At GracePointe Church...
We love finding ways to connect people with one another and with God. We believe that God can be praised with the latest worship songs as well as the timeless hymns of the ancient church.
Join us for the greatest origin story of all time as we spend the next few months exploring the stunning beauty and devastating chaos in the first 11 chapters of Genesis. We will wrestle with eternal questions about the origin of the universe, of humanity, of good and evil, and of God.
Community Groups
People NEED community, they need to belong, to be known and accepted, to be cared for in their time of need, and to be challenged and held accountable to what God has called them to be.
We are excited about all that is going on here at GracePointe and we want to let you know about it!
Whether you’re home sick, are out of town, or you simply want to check us out for the first time, you can see or listen to all our sermons here.
Check Out Our New App
This custom app will allow you to find details about Sunday services and events as well as a church directory and community groups! You can even sign up for giving online!
Download a custom GracePointe app for your Android or Apple device! Search for GracePointe Church and confirm your email….and that is it! We hope you find this tool helpful in connecting with others here at GracePointe.